Wound care for horses

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Here you can read about how to most easily and most effectively treat horse wounds. Read our tips and tricks and what is an absolute NO GO when we talk wound care in horses!

When can you treat a wound yourself, and when should you contact a veterinarian?

This is a consideration that must be made by the horse owner. A wound is a damage to one or more skin layers. The more skin layers that are damaged, the deeper and more critically the wound.
If the wound is open, then it may need to be sutured. Therefore, you should contact your veterinarian. This must be done within very few hours, otherwise the veterinarians cannot sew the wound together without further surgery.
If the wound is more superficial, there is a lot you can do yourself.

Care of “everyday” wounds and scares.

Does your horse always come in from the field with new wounds and scares? Here you will find some good advice on wound care of everyday wounds and scars.

Pictured is a deeper wound on a pony. The wound sits on the left hind leg and all skin layers are broken. Since the wound is located in an area with thin skin, it would not be possible to sew the wound, therefore we ourselves have to treat it.

Heste ben med sår

Step 1 – Make sure the wound is clean

The wound in the picture is completely clean and red, except for remnants of blood and fluids from the wound. We do not recommend starting to wash the leg clean, as it can add unnecessary bacteria to the wound.

If the wound was dirty, the wound will need to be washed before any treatment can continue.

If necessary, use a saline wound spray that cleanses with distilled saltwater. By using a spray, you avoid aggravating the wound, as well as adding additional bacteria. Wash as little as possible and only if the wound is dirty.

NO GO! Never wash the wound in soap. This is an old method, which according to The Danish Nurses’ Council is not advised to clean wounds (DRS.dk). The reason is that soap requires thorough washing, which would possibly damage the wound further. 

Step 2 – Wound care

Once the wound is clean, the formation of bacteria in the open wound must be prevented. This is done effectively with EQUUS CURA´s WOUND, which does not contain chemically prepared disinfectants, but only 99% pure oregano oil in 1% solvent. Oregano is nature’s disinfectant, and thus works almost in the same way as the chemical disinfectants 

The advantage of using a natural disinfectant is that you preserve the skin’s natural bacterial flora, which results in faster and more natural healing.

TIP! – Use WOUND 2-3 times a week, and not more than that. The wound should have peace and time to heal. When you apply WOUND, the wound will turn completely black after a few hours. This is a natural reaction to the product, which creates an extra layer to prevent dirt and grime from propagating in the wound.

NO GO! – Never mix with other products. Do not wash between treatments, except if there is dirt and grime in the wound.

Heste ben med sår 2 sår på hest Et sår på en hest

The pictures show scabs, after 2 weeks of treatments with WOUND

Step 3 – Repeat step 2 if needed 

All wounds must be treated differently. It is therefore difficult to say how often a wound should be treated with products. It must therefore be assessed by the horse’s owner. The fewer times a product can be applied, the better.

– Look at the wound. If it emits liquid from the wound, then it should be treated further. If there is the slightest hint of yellow / green dirt from the wound, the wound should be cleaned as in step 1 until the dirt is gone. When the dirt is gone, repeat step 2.

Remember! – Keep an eye on the wound. Regardless of the extent and size of the wound, a wound should be examined daily. Complications can occur quickly.

Contact your veterinarian if:

  • Your horse has received a large deep wound or if you are in doubt. Remember it is you who knows your horse best!
  • If your horse gets a fever
  • If your horse has a decreased appetite
  • If the inflammation in the wound can not be controlled with normal wound care
  • If the area around the wound rises and becomes hot
  • If the legs rise violently

Before / after images of wounds treated with WOUND

Wounds on left hind leg. Treated twice a week for 14 days.

Heste ben med sår Heste ben med sår Sår på hest


Superficial skin abrasion. The day after the use of WOUND.

Sår på hest 2 Sår på hest 3

Minor but deep wound on the buttocks. 3 days between photos.

et sår på en hest Et sår på en hest
Read more about wound care in horses in here